Philippe Brouillette


Lawyer, Engineer, Patent and Trademark Agent
Telephone: 514.397.6902
Cell: 514.834.8454
Fax: 514.395.8554


Philippe is an engineer, lawyer, patent and trademark agent and entrepreneur. Over the years, Philippe has been involved in the start-up of personalized computer application development companies as well as online service projects relating to accounting for self-employed people and crowdfunding. In his practice, Philippe helps SMEs and startups establish their intellectual property strategy, obtain patents, industrial designs and/or trademarks and advise them in the field of business law, technology and computer science. Philippe has worked at Brouillette since 2010. He became a business partner at Brouillette Légal in 2017.

Professional training

Quebec Bar (2009)
LL.B., University of Sherbrooke
Bachelor of Computer Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal

Professional and social activities

Philippe is a member of the Quebec Bar, the Young Bar Association of Montreal and the Order of Engineers of Quebec.
Philippe is a member of various associations operating in the field of intellectual property including the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC), the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents (CABAMC) as well as LawPact.

Fields of practice

Intellectual property
Business Law
Technology and innovation law

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