A trademark registration is valid for a period of 10 years from the day of registration. It can be renewed, indefinitely, every 10 years. If, however, you wish to renew it for a further period of 10 years, you will have to pay renewal fees.
Need help?
Although it is possible to file a trademark without assistance, the granting process can be complicated and time-consuming, even a real headache.
Let us support you in your protection efforts and help you better understand the complexities of trademark law.
We have the knowledge and experience to seek the maximum protection that your trademark deserves. Additionally, as surprising as it may seem at first glance, we will save you time and money by providing you with adequate training, helping you avoid complications and overcome obstacles throughout the process.
We would be delighted to meet you, provide you with an introduction to IP and assess your intellectual property needs with you. You will then discover that your assets are much more important than you think.
Contact one of our agents now to schedule an initial meeting absolutely free*.
Other questions? Contact us!
*Certain conditions apply.